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Jun 26, 2020

Hello there, darlings, welcome to the Clockwork Cabaret. There I was just minding my own business, having a lovely date with a dirty martini, when suddenly they sprung the Apocalypse on me. And now, on with the show. - Poppy, the clockwork assistant

WARNING! This show is for adults. We drink cocktails, have potty mouths...

Jun 19, 2020

Hello there, darlings, welcome to the Clockwork Cabaret. This week, the ladies celebrate Pride month. Honestly? I don’t care who you fancy as long as we can agree that I am fabulous. And now, on with the show. - Poppy, the clockwork assistant

WARNING! This show is for adults. We drink cocktails, have potty mouths and,...

Jun 12, 2020

"Only equals can become friends." - Maya Angelou

Hello, my friends, welcome to the Clockwork Cabaret. We try to stay light & breezy on this show but sometimes the events of the world make that a bit tricky. For the past two weeks, we have all witnessed a horrific escalation of police violence against protestors and...

Jun 5, 2020

Hello there, darlings, welcome to the Clockwork Cabaret. Apparently Emmett has built an entire show around the song her college roommate used to sing to her with a sock puppet. I have so many questions. Mostly, why? And now, on with the show. - Poppy, the clockwork assistant

WARNING! This show is for adults. We drink...